11 December 1972 19:54:58 UTC, T plus 110:21:58

Astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt stands in front of the lunar lander Challenger (LM-12) and the lunar rover, 01:13:58 UTC, 12 December 1972. (Eugene A. Cernan/NASA)
Astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt stands in front of the lunar lander Challenger (LM-12) and the lunar rover, 01:13:58 UTC, 12 December 1972. (Eugene A. Cernan/NASA)

11 December 1972, 19:54:58 UTC: Apollo 17 lunar module Challenger with astronauts Eugene A. Cernan and Harrison H. Schmitt landed at the Taurus-Littrow Valley, The Moon.

Apollo 17 was the last manned moon mission.

Gene Cernan was the last human to stand on the lunar surface.

Astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt and the lunar rover at the edge of Shorty Crater in the Taurus-Littrow Valley, The Moon. (Eugene A. Cernan/NASA)
Astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt and the lunar rover at the edge of Shorty Crater in the Taurus-Littrow Valley, The Moon. (Eugene A. Cernan/NASA)

© 2015, Bryan R. Swopes

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3 thoughts on “11 December 1972 19:54:58 UTC, T plus 110:21:58

  1. Byran,

    Just noticed a small error in your piece on McCready and Fokker T-2. Two of the photos of the Fokker are labeled as having AS 64223 id, while the rest of the photos and the text correctly label the aircraft as being AS 64233. Not a biggy, but thought you should know.

    1. Thank you, Hayden. I appreciate you mentioning that. It was a simple typographical error, but it turned up in several articles that mentioned the airplane. I hope I corrected them all.

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