The crew of the Memphis Belle after their 25th mission: (left to right) Technical Sergeant Harold Loch, Top Turret Gunner/Engineer; Staff Sergeant Cecil Scott, Ball Turret Gunner; Technical Sergeant Robert Hanson, Radio Operator; Captain James Verinis, Co-pilot; Captain Robert Morgan, Aircraft Commander/Pilot; Captain Charles Leighton, Navigator; Staff Sergeant John Quinlan, Tail Gunner; Staff Sergeant Casimer Nastal, Waist Gunner; Captain Vincent Evans, Bombardier; Staff Sergeant Clarence Winchell Waist Gunner. (U.S. Air Force photograph)
Looking for Harold Rowe Tech Sgt
447 bomb group flight engine. & top
Turret gunner.
Harold W. Rowe, Route 2, Box 278, Portage, Pennsylvania? You might take a look at this: “Pictorial history of the 447th Bombardment Group (H)” at: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/234781312.pdf Lots of individual and crew photos, most unidentified, however.