2 September 1977

The first 10 female officers to graduate from the Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training Program, Class 77-08, with a Northrop T-38A-50-NO Talon, 63-8111, 2 September 1977. (U.S. Air Force)
2nd Lieutenant Mary Livingston, U.S. Air Force
2nd Lieutenant Mary Livingston, U.S. Air Force

2 September 1978: The ten women in this photograph, members of Pilot Undergradute Training Class 77-08 at Williams Air Force Base, Arizona, along with their 36 male classmates, received their Silver Wings on 2 September 1977.

They are Captains Connie Engel, Kathy La Sauce, Mary Donahue, Susan Rogers and Christine Schott; First Lieutenants Sandra Scott and Victoria Crawford; Second Lieutenants Mary Livingston, Carol Scherer and Kathleen Rambo.

Screen Shot 2014-09-01 at 17.59.55 © 2015, Bryan R. Swopes

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About Bryan Swopes

Bryan R. Swopes grew up in Southern California in the 1950s–60s, near the center of America's aerospace industry. He has had a life-long interest in aviation and space flight. Bryan is a retired commercial helicopter pilot and flight instructor.

10 thoughts on “2 September 1977

  1. Capt. Connie Engel’s father was test pilot and former commander at Edwards AFB Maj. General Richard Engel… Connie Engel’s daughter; Maj. Lindsey “Mig” Giggy… a T-38 instructor at Sheppard AFB. Texas.

    1. Her husband was Rick Engel, she was my wife’s favorite OBGYN Nurse before going to Willy and one of my students at T-38 PIT. She was a superb pilot. Great couple.

  2. Connie (5th from the left) was my flight commander at Willie and wrote my first two Officer Performance Reports. Great pilot, and an exemplary leader: to this day, I’m able to say she taught me that you could be a “leader of men (and women)” without having to be “one of the boys”. Her test pilot husband, Rich, was attached to my flight at Willie, and recommended me for test pilot school. When I was eventually selected to become a test pilot, he ended up being my boss at multiple positions and locations. Connie went on to a distinguished career in the Air Force Reserves. Two of my most favorite people.

  3. Vicki Crawford was my civilian flight instructor in Myrtle Beach as she was transitioning out of the USAF into an airline position flying for (if I remember correctly) Southwest Airlines in the early 1980’s. A great instructor and pilot.

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