Commandant Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres. (John Phillips)
31 July 1944, famed French aviator and author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger comte de Saint Exupéry), flying for the Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres (the Free French Air Force), departed Borgo Airfield on the island of Corsica. He was on a reconnaissance mission of the Rhône Valley. His aircraft was a Lockheed F-5B-1-LO Lightning, serial number 42-68223, an unarmed photo reconnaissance variant of the P-38J Lighting twin-engine fighter.
Saint-Exupéry was never seen again.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry flying his Lockheed F-5B-1-LO Lightning near Alghero on the coast of Sardinia, 1944. (John e Annamaria Phillips Foundation)
In 1998 a fisherman found his silver identity bracelet on the sea floor south of Marseilles. Parts of the aircraft were recovered in 2003.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s identity bracelet. (WikiTree)
“Saint-Ex” wrote Night Flight;Flight to Arras;Wind, Sand and Stars’ and The Little Prince, as well as many other works. He was a gifted writer.
A pilot boards his Lockheed P-38 Lightning at sunset. (U.S. Air Force)