102:45:25 Aldrin: Four forward. Four forward. Drifting to the right a little. Twenty feet, down a half.
102:45:31 Duke: Thirty seconds (until the ‘Bingo’ call).
102:45:32 Aldrin: Drifting forward just a little bit; that’s good.
102:45:40 Aldrin: Contact Light.
102:45:43 Armstrong: Shutdown.
102:45:44 Aldrin: Okay. Engine Stop.
102:45:45 Aldrin: ACA out of Detent.
102:45:46 Armstrong: Out of Detent. Auto.
102:45:47 Aldrin: Mode Control, both Auto. Descent Engine Command Override, Off. Engine Arm, Off. Four-thirteen is in.
102:45:57 Duke: We copy you down, Eagle.
102:45:58 Armstrong: Engine arm is off. (Pause) Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.

© 2018, Bryan R. Swopes