Medal of Honor
Addison L. Baker
Rank and Organization: Lieutenant Colonel, U.S Army Air Corps, 93d Bombardment Group (Heavy), 9th Air Force.
Place and Date: Ploetsi Raid, Rumania, 1 Aug 1943.
Entered Service at: Akron, Ohio.
Born: Chicago, Ill.
G.O. No. 20: March 11, 1944.
Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action with the enemy on 1 August 1943. On this date he led his command, the 93d Heavy Bombardment Group, on a daring low-level attack against enemy oil refineries and installations at Ploesti, Rumania. Approaching the target, his aircraft was hit by a large caliber antiaircraft shell, seriously damaged and set on fire. Ignoring the fact he was flying over terrain suitable for safe landing, he refused to jeopardize the mission by breaking up the lead formation and continued unswervingly to lead his group to the target upon which he dropped his bombs with devastating effect. Only then did he leave formation, but his valiant attempts to gain sufficient altitude for the crew to escape by parachute were unavailing and his aircraft crashed in flames after his successful efforts to avoid other planes in formation. By extraordinary flying skill, gallant leadership and intrepidity, Lt. Col. Baker rendered outstanding, distinguished, and valorous service to our Nation.
This incident was the only action that involved two Medal of Honor recipients on the same aircraft in the European Theater. The Co-Pilot John Jerstadt was also awarded the Medal. Both Posthumously.
Thank you, Jerry. TDiA published individual posts for each of the five Medal of Honor recipients of Operation TIDALWAVE.
My Father, Lt Robert Lee Wright was Lloyd Hyghe’s best friend and they roomed together from advanced training.
Dad wrote the report at the request of Philip Audrey for Lt Hughe’s MoH since they were flying side by side