Tag Archives: Surveyor 3

19 November 1969, 06:54:35 UTC

Apollo 12 lunar lander Intrepid above the Moon before beginning its descent to the surface, 19 November 1969. (Richard F. Gordon, Jr./NASA)
Apollo 12 lunar lander Intrepid above the Moon before beginning its descent to the surface, 19 November 1969. (Richard F. Gordon, Jr./NASA)

19 November 1969: The Apollo 12 lunar lander, LM-6, named Intrepid by the flight crew, landed at Oceanus Procellarum, The Moon, at 06:54:35 UTC. The lunar module touched down within approximately 600 feet (183 meters) of the intended landing site, the lunar probe Surveyor 3, which had landed there 20 April 1967. The landing site is named Statio Cognitum.

Surveyor 3 landed at Oceanus Procellarum 20 April 1967. (Alan L. Bean/NASA)
NASA Astronaut Charles (“Pete”) Conrad, Jr., descends the lunar lander’s ladder to the surface of the Moon, 11:35 UTC, 19 November 1969. (Alan L. Bean/NASA)
NASA Astronaut Charles (“Pete”) Conrad, Jr., descends the lunar lander’s ladder to the surface of the Moon, 11:35 UTC, 19 November 1969. (Alan L. Bean/NASA)

Mission Commander, Charles (“Pete”) Conrad, Jr., began the first lunar EVA at 11:32:35 UTC and set foot on the surface at 11:44:22 UTC. Approximately one-half hour later, at 12:13;50 UTC, Lunar Module Pilot Alan L. Bean, Jr., also stepped out onto The Moon.

NASA Astronaut Alan L. Bean descends the ladder of Intrepid to the Moon's surface, 12:13 UTC, 19 November 1969. (Charles Conrad, Jr./NASA)
NASA Astronaut Alan L. Bean descends the ladder of Intrepid to the Moon’s surface, 12:13 UTC, 19 November 1969. (Charles Conrad, Jr./NASA)

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